Vitamins and supplements are essential to everyday functions of our bodies, growth, and nutrition. They are important in the process of breaking down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. They are vital to our digestive and nervous systems.
When a person is deficient in any of them, they can feel the ill effects it can have their body, mind, and overall sense of wellness. Vitamins and minerals have very specific functions and assist the body in the most intricate of processes related to our metabolism which directly affects our energy. There can be many reasons why someone can become deficient in one or more, most common is poor dietary choices.
For some, they may have malabsorption issues like leaky gut, food sensitivities, inflammatory bowel diseases or celiac diseases. There are vitamins and supplements that help with oxidative stress and help your body clear toxins from your body while supportive normal healthy cell function.
Causes of inflammation in the body:
Natural Process of the body, where our white blood cells fight off infection caused by a foreign substance like viruses and bacteria.
Stress –something that impacts the body, whether viral or bacterial infections, emotional, physical, chemical or environmental, it reacts by trying to fight off any foreign substance affecting the body.
Diet -greatly affects our immune systems and inflammation response, especially when we are eating foods that our full of bad fats and chemicals that are not natural to our system or even naturally found in nature.
Carbs –white starches, refined sugars, and high fructose corn syrup, which are found in most processed and packages foods, causes our body to react with inflammation.
Fats -when we ingest bad fats our white blood cells try to swallow them up and try to digest the LDL, in an attempt to protect the blood vessels from being affected. In the process, the white blood cells convert the LDL to a toxic (oxidized) form, a chemical reaction that causes inflammation.
Chronic Inflammation can block our hormones and affects our cells from functioning normally. It causes increased risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancers, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disorders, joint and muscle aches and pains, and obesity.
Stress is anything that impacts the body, whether chemical, physical, environmental, or emotional, our body then reacts and responds. Over time, if we are in a constant state of stress we can develop physical symptoms and a sense of being "out of control" with our diets, not sleeping, and lack of motivation.
We live in a world that is fast paced and so many of us carry a lot of responsibilities to our family, friends, and work. It is important to take time for ourselves to decompress mentally and physically. This can be easily done with meditation, a good book, long walks, yoga, or hitting the gym. Both help to limit the ill effects of our perceived stress by mentally coping better in a emotionally triggered situation or by sweating out the toxins that have built up in our system.
This helps improve joint and muscular pain by building up strength and flexibility and limit soft tissue injury like sprains and strains and liver damage that comes from over taxing the body.
Sleep is essential for feeling rested and having the energy needed throughout the day. It is important to get to bed at a decent hour because our bodies work on a 24-hour circadian rhythm. Almost all our cellular repair and hormone production, like for our adrenals, are made while we are sleeping so we need restorative sleep cycles for this to happen.
Our adrenal gland makes most of our cortisol at night and if we go to bed after 11pm we get another surge of cortisol which can make it difficult to fall asleep or if we are restless at night, waking multiple times a night, we will have less cortisol than what we will need come morning and having trouble waking up and getting out of bed.
If you can’t sleep it is hard to fix anything else like your energy level and metabolism, which can lead to poor lifestyle choices.
Prioritize sleep!
Breathing is more important than just oxygenating our lungs, we must get the oxygen into our cells for energy. Our body needs oxygen and uses it in forms like hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ozone (O3) which help to kill off foreign bacteria and cancer cells.
Without good oxygenation at the cellular level, it leads to oxidation which is bad for us. Oxidation comes from our body not being able to process or breakdown free radicals and toxins that we get exposed to from our diets and environment. Theses free radicals enter our bodies and when we cannot eliminate them, it can lead to chronic inflammation, decreased immunity, increase in disease formation, cellular changes and death.
Oxygen helps to keep our bodies in an alkaline state which staves off these “foreign enemies” but when we are low in oxygen, we are in an acidic state which allows for viruses, bacterial, and fungal infections to flourish which impacts our normal cells and can cause changes leading to autoimmune disorders and cancer cell formation.
We can drink filtered water or consider oxidative therapy with ozone and H2O2. We can improve our PH balance and our voltage with things like Bio-Terminal Therapy, by breathing and relaxation, vitamins like ferritin which help to bind oxygen to hemoglobin to get O2 into our cells, taking antioxidants like L-glutathione, vitamin C, resveratrol, and curcumin to support our body in removal of these toxins.
Cholesterol is an essential make up of our cells. Without enough good cholesterol our cells cannot repair themselves and our brains cannot function. It is not always the fats we are consuming but the types.
Elevated lipids, or fat in your blood stream are known as HDL (high-density lipoprotein) the good, LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is considered the bad, and triglycerides the ugly. A lipoprotein helps to bind to lipids and transport them and can be either high or low density. When a person has higher levels of HDL it helps by removing the bad cholesterol from the body, which decreases chances of heart disease. This is done by increasing dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acids like olive oil, fish oil, flax oil, tree nuts, and avocados.
LDL can collect along the walls of your arteries causing blockages, atherosclerosis which can lead to heart disease and stroke. These are also trans fats which come from fatty cuts of meat, processed foods made with hydrogenated fats like cookies, bakes goods, crackers, margarines, icings, fried foods, and snack foods.
Triglycerides are the byproduct of fats from the foods we eat and can also be produced from some carbohydrates. It is actually the fat circulating in our blood and can lead to atherosclerosis, heart disease, and diabetes.
When our cholesterol levels are high our liver may not be functioning very well, and our body may be trying to help heal some type of cellular damage. By doing a liver detoxification with vitamins/supplements, dietary changes, getting good sleep and oxygenation - it can bring your body back into homeostasis or balance.
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